When Jan Rayner visited Kenya for the first time in 2009, little did she realise what a central part of her life it would become. 12 months later Jan’s husband Ted died suddenly and his many cricketing and golfing friends showed their appreciation of his life with great generosity. Jan wanted a practical permanent memorial to Ted and the question was asked of the project managers in Kenya who are supported through Amani UK, what their priority was. The idea of a clinic was born.
It was agreed that there was a real need for a clinic in the Kirongo Project area, a very rural location some 15km from Oyugis, as there were no other medical facilities in the local district. In spite of the initial generosity of Ted’s friends there was still a need to raise significant funds to turn the idea into reality but, thanks to Jan’s efforts, the Ted Rayner Memorial Clinic was established in 2013. The clinic is situated in the Kirongo Project’s secure compound. The clinic is registered with the local health authority under the supervision of the district hospital in Oyugis. Also in the compound is an Early Childhood Development / Primary School of 170 children because there is a high percentage of young children in the Kirongo area.
HIV / AIDS is prevalent in the area and there are two primary medical needs. Firstly there are the many opportunistic African diseases which attack the most vulnerable, many of whom may be mal-nourished. Secondly, malaria and its associated respiratory diseases are of major concern. In addition to these there is a steady influx of patients with “every day” injuries and ailments as well as the clinic being the first port of call for mothers-to-be. Meanwhile there is a growing need for health monitoring and education, particularly in the areas of nutrition and hygiene.
The clinic has recently introduced the opportunity for medical students to do their medical electives at the clinic. If you are interested in this, click on the button below to read the Medical Elective.
If you would like to make a one-off or monthly donation, please go to our “Support Us” page (remembering to reference your donation as being for the clinic) which gives you all the details you need.
Thank you
Peter Fish – International Coordinator, Amani UK